I have painted all my life. I decided to become a dentist, so I could keep on working with my hands. Some years ago I gave up my dentist career so I could keep on working with my painting.
When I made a filling or crown they walked away, but when I painted my work stayed.
I now started to show what I have done. My paintings will walk away like my fillings crown.
I will miss them, but I do hope…..
.…. they will give joy and love for those who appreciate my work.
En tavla berättar
Många av mina tavlor är målade av en speciell händelse. Här får du mina berättelser:
Roger, träffades i Bedford på en språkkurs. Han var vacker, vi promenerade tillsammans. Kom till Umeå och friade under ett äppelträd. Jag sade nej - var bara 17 år!